The Effect Of The President's Message Asking For...
enabling him to retaliate on Canada for the injuries which Canada is declared to have inflicted on the United States fishermen, has been of a very varied kind. It has, in a......
On His Return From Friedrichsruh, Signor Crispi Met Count...
the Austrian Minister, at Eger, on the Austrian frontier, and had two hours' conference with him on his return to Italy. The Italian papers seem nearly all united in praising......
On Thursday, The International Conference For Suppressing...
its last sitting, and the Treaty em- bodying the results of its deliberations was signed by the plenipotentiaries of all the Powers willing to accept its condi- tions. Besides......
We Will Not Say That The Irish Americans Exceeded Themselves
in the composition of Mr. Fitzgerald's address, published on Thursday, asking for a subscription to defend Mr. Parnell,— for, if we may be permitted a thoroughgoing Irish "......
News Of The Week.
P RESIDENT CLEVELAND'S Message on the rejection of the Fisheries Treaty by the Senate, of which we beard just before going to press last week, seems to have been more seri-......