News of the Week T HE Treaty of Renunciation of War,
or Kellogg Pact, was signed with due ceremony at the Quai d'Orsay on Monday by representatives of fifteen leading nations of the world, including Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Irish Free State and the Empire of India. It is the subject of our first leading article, but let us say here that the best illustration we Can give of the cordial feeling that prevailed was the Warm and friendly welcome given to Herr Stresemann wherever he was met in Paris, whose citizens did them- selves great credit thereby. It was most remarkable and of the happiest augury. Greatly as the German Foreign Minister has been helped by the British and French Foreign Ministers and others to whom he would be the first to acknowledge his debt, no smaller man than Herr Stresemann could have surmounted all the difficulties that he has met, both at home and abroad, or reached the position that he now holds in Europe.
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