More Books Of The Week
(Continued from page 268.) The majority of Russians to-day feel that there can never be a return to the old regime if the present Soviets should be subverscd. A somewhat shadowy......
Don Agustin Edwards Has Played A Distinguished Part In...
politics, and has represented his country very ably, both as Minister at various capitals and as delegate at Geneva, where he has presided over the Assembly of the League.......
Report On The Last Competition
IF we had not suspected beforehand that English seaside resorts all look and sound very much alike at midday on August Bank Holiday, the result of the competition for the best......
The Legend Of Tyl Ulenspiegel. By Charles De Coster....
by F. M. Atkinson. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.) —This admirably and inexpensively produced edition of Mr. Atkinson's translation of de Coster's great historic romance is meant to......
The Hasty Marriage. By Grant Richards. (cape. 7s....
is the son of the proprietor of an Oxford Street store. Just down from Oxford, he visits a ' Mediterranean resort, where he selects from among the bathing beauties an American......
A New Competition
AT some time or another everybody has lost something which they value and found it again, sometimes in an odd and interesting way. The Editor offers a prize of three guineas for......