1 SEPTEMBER 1928, page 1

The Only Jarring Note In The Whole Of The Proceedings

was introduced from outside by the outrageous intrusion of some fanatical women who showed no respect for peace of any kind. We fear that there were one or two British among......

News Of The Week T He Treaty Of Renunciation Of War,

or Kellogg Pact, was signed with due ceremony at the Quai d'Orsay on Monday by representatives of fifteen leading nations of the world, including Great Britain, Canada,......

Governor Smith Last Week Followed Mr. Hoover To The Stage

in the Presidential election known as " making his acceptance speech." We have dealt with this in a leading article. We admire the courage with which he declared his desire to......

The Pact Is Now Open To Other Nations Of The

world to sign. Eight of them had done so on Wednesday, and many others are hastening to follow their example. We must not be discouraged by the small objections and the......

M. Briand's Speech On Monday Was Worthy Of The Occasion.

He was duly complimentary to the United States, and Mr. Kellogg. His rneed of praise to Herr Stresemann was excellently chosen, and he spoke with real feeling of Sir Austen......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...

London, W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper.. The......