Though the majority of the population is said to be
Moslem, it will come as something of a shock to some Though the majority of the population is said to be Moslem, it will come as something of a shock to some people to find a Moslem monarchy established in Europe, and not even on its Eastern bounds. So far, we know of no reason to fear that the Christian minority will suffer, but the political fight between Ahmed Beg Zogu and Bishop Fan Noli certainly had its religious causes and effects, and the tolerance of both sides will be severely tested. An ill-treated minority will naturally turn to outside neighbours, who may be willing to take up a cause from sympathy or to gain ends of their own. Yugo- Slavia, however much annoyed or tempted, can hardly look just now beyond her own domestic distractions. No doubt she feels that Italy has taken advantage of them to steal a march in Albania. Italy is powerful and active there. She has an even greater responsibility in /Mania than in Croatia and Dalmatia, where her duty is more negative. She found Bishop Fan Noli an un- satisfactory ruler and unable to carry internal reforms. Plainly, it will be more satisfactory to her to look across the Adriatic to a permanent monarchy than to transient Presidents, servants of political parties. Whether she will find Ahmed Beg Zogu a tractable ruler, we shall soon see. He is likely to understand his people and their wishes better than any Italian could, and he certainly does not give the impression that he would consent to be the tool of anyone else.