The first meeting of the Colonial donference was held at
the Colonial Office on Monday. Lord Elgin presided, but Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman was present and officially welcomed the Premiers. By this wise step he showed; that he recognised what we are sure is the feeling of the nation,—that the Colonial Conference is no longer a Depart- mental affair, but, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Deakin said, " a meeting of a Government with Governments." The Premiers present were Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Deakin, Sir , J. G. Ward, Dr. Jameson, Mr. F. R. Moor, and General Botha. Sir Robert Bond had been detained for a day or two in New- foundland. Among the British Ministers present were Mr. Morley, Mr. Haldane, Lord Tweedmouth, Mr. John Burns, Mr. Lloyd-George, and Mr. Churchill. Lord Elgin opened the Conference by reading a telegram from the King, which conveyed a "warm welcome" to the Premiers. "I shall look forward with pleasure," the King said, "to receiving them on My return to England I am confident that the decisions arrived at will tend towards the closer union of my Colonies to the Mother-country and to the strengthening and consolidation of my Empire."