20 APRIL 1907, page 17
Mr. Arnold.forster And The Volunteer Lecturer.
ITs THZ EDITOR OF THE . SPECT.Orin SIE, — In your "News of the Week" of the 13th inst. you do me, unintentionally I am sure, an injustice. You say that in speaking of a lecturer......
Olive's First Commander And Patron.
[TO vim. EDITOR OP TUZ .SPIXTPATOR...] Sfit,—Having read with deep interestyour excellent article on Lord Clive in the Spectator of April 6th, I beg you will permit me to say a......
Cotton Trade Profits.
Ire rllIl ND1TOR Or Tat SPACTrATOR.'f Sut,—In your last issue there appears a letter from Mr. William Tattersall with the above heading. This letter is likely to convey a quite......