The Reception Of The Budget Has, On The Whole, Been
favour. able, and the debate which followed was not of a very critical kind. Mr. Austen Chamberlain, however, made a very interesting and, as we think, sound point when be asked......
Mr. Asquith's Proposals For Dissipating His Estimated...
follows. He leaves indirect taxation exactly as it is, but in the matter of direct taxation, though he is prepared to lose £1,250,000 in differentiating the Income-tax by taxing......
The King And Queen, Accompanied By Princess Victoria,...
Malta last Saturday on board the 'Victoria and Albert.' Their Majesties were received by the Governor, Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, and then drove to the Palace. No troops......
The Chancellor Of The Exchequer In Reply Declared That It
would be for the taxpayer to show that the income on which he claimed a lower rate of tax was income that he was actually earning himself. That no doubt is a correct answer ;......
Mr. Asquith's Account Of The Progress Already Made In Paying
off the Debt since the war was, on the whole, very satisfactory :— "The funded Debt on April let, 1906, was 4634,048,000; on March 31st, 1907, it was .2631,929,000, a reduction......
News Of The Week.
" j[ It. ASQUITH introduced his Budget on Thursday _al afternoon. The actual revenue received during the year 1906-7 was £144,814,000, and the actual expenditure £139,415,000.......