20 AUGUST 1887, Page 17

[To THE EDITOR OF TEE . SescrAros."] SIR,—I have to thank

you for your courtesy in inserting my letter in the Spectator of August 13th; but I hope you will allow me to say that I cannot admit the justice of your criticism that I have misunderstood many of the facts, and ignored one of the most critical of them,—viz., Mr. Gladstone's offer to support or join with Lord Salisbury in settling the Irish Question. The fact of Mr. Gladstone's complete change is beyond all question, the suddenness of it can easily be measured, and the existence of a motive sufficient to account for it, accord- ing to the tests of insincerity which Mr. Gladstone has himself given, cannot be disputed. It is, therefore, a change of view accompanied by every circumstance which Mr. Gladstone himself has pointed out as those from which we may infer insincerity,

and it has taken place in the conduct of a statesman of the most mature years, and on a subject which has been the one moat prominently before his mind at least for the last twenty years. Mr. Gladstone makes much of the evidence of his dis- interestedness which he gave when he changed his opinion, or rather voted against his opinion, in the case of the Maynooth grant. What evidence of sincerity or disinterestedness has he given on this occasion ?

As to his offei to support Lord Salisbury, I presume you refer to that made through Mr. Balfour. I had not forgotten it, and I did not intend to ignore it; but I do not see how it affects the question. Mr. Gladstone proposed to unite with Lord Salisbury in the endeavour to effect some settlement of the Irish Question, on the ground, as Mr. Balfour put it, that if something was not done, we should all be blown up. But can you suppose that at that time Mr. Gladstone thought of proposing to Lord Salisbury anything like the Bills which he afterwards brought in P I confess that the recollection of what passed between Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Balfour has always suggested to my mind the uncomfortable idea—which I have always sought to put aside—that besides being actuated by personal ambition, Mr. Gladstone in reconciling himself to the Irish has been actuated by considerations as to his personal safety.

I do not, however, defend the conduct of Lord Salisbury in refusing to listen to Mr. Gladstone's overtures. I believe that the evils under which the State is now suffering are in a great measure due to the vacillating policy of Lord Salisbury, and the demoralising effect of the influence of Lord Beaconsfield on him and on his party.—I am, Sr, &c., AN OLD Wino.

[We differ in tots from oar correspondent—ED. Spectator.]