20 AUGUST 1887, page 18

[to The Editor Of Tee . Sescraros."] Sir,—i Have To Thank

you for your courtesy in inserting my letter in the Spectator of August 13th; but I hope you will allow me to say that I cannot admit the justice of your criticism that I have......

Horses In Mines.

[TO THE EDITOR OE THE 4. firscT.vros."J SIR, — In a late number of the Spectator, alluding to the very impressive letter of Mr. William Morgans to the Colliery Guardian, you......

An Agnostic Novel.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE SPEOTATOlt."] SIN — In your powerfully written review of " Au Agnostic Novel," you have several bitter references to Calvinism. You speak of it as a "......

The Bishop And The Curate.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " Sosomos."] BM — The action of the Bishop of Llandaff in sanctioning the dispossession of a curate in his diocese without first of all com- municating......