20 AUGUST 1887, page 19

Horses In Mines.

[TO THE EDITOR OE THE 4. firscT.vros."J SIR, — In a late number of the Spectator, alluding to the very impressive letter of Mr. William Morgans to the Colliery Guardian, you......

Sympathy In Cats And Dogs. [to Tor &wive Or The

.•SeacrATos."] SIR, —I know you have a high opinion of the dog's character, but of the "harmless, necessary cat" perhaps you may not think so well as he or she deserves. The......

"from The Pyrenees To The Channel." [to Mr. Roma Or

THE BraCreves."] Sin, — I have only just seen your issue of the 6th inst., con- taining a letter from "A Grammar School Boy et son Pere," in reference to the distance covered......

Sepulchral Reliefs At Athens.

[To THE EDITOR Or TIEIZ SrECSIITOO•"] Sre,—The writer of the deeply interesting article upon "The Ancient Sepulchral Reliefs at Athens," in the Spectator of August 13th, has......