20 AUGUST 1927, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Unless someone else has already pointed out the error in the answer to the second question in your American 6` Quiz," please let me say that Decoration Day (May 30th) falls before Independence Day (July 4th). Furthermore, I seriously doubt if we should call Washing- ton's birthday a " big national festival." In many States the schools and colleges remain open on this day, and business in general goes on as usual. Banks, &c., arc probably the - only _exception, but then, those institutions are notorious for their ability to enjoy every possible holiday. It would have

been better to have included Labour Day (the first Monday in September) as a " big national festival," for business is quite closed up on that day.--I am, Sir, &c.,


159 Radford Street, Ludlow, Yonkers, New York.