Marriage Reform League [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
read with great interest Sir George Fowler's letter in a recent issue, and as the valuable work of the Legal Aid Bureau of the Divorce Law Reform Union has on more than one......
Schoolboy Spelling [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
been interested in the contributions dealing with spelling. Apart from the amount of precious time and labor utterly wasted in endeavouring to acquire correct spelling, and the......
Dairy Control In New Zealand
[To the Editor of the SPEcrAT014 Sia,—Letters such as that of Mr. Grimsdale Anderson, Which' appeared in the Spectator of May 7th, convey 'a very false idea of the scope and -......
Saving Children's Hearts [to The Editor Of The...
read with deep interest the splendid article on " Saving Children's Hearts which appeared in your issue of June 25th, by " Crusader," I should much like to thank him for the......
American Festivals
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Unless someone else has already pointed out the error in the answer to the second question in your American 6 ` Quiz," please let me say......