20 AUGUST 1927, page 30

Problem In Frencii Bonds.

A very constant reader of the Spectator presents me with the following problem, desiring that I should express my views with regard to the course to be adopted. My correspondent......

Railways Versus Roads.

I have written so much in these columns of late concerning what I venture to regard as shortcomings in railroad organiza- tion that I feel I must not do more than draw attention......


THE MOST SUITABLE POLICY THERE is no one life policy that is the most suitable for all purposes, but if we are to obtain the most advan- tageous results from life assurance, the......

To How Or To Sell.

I am sure that my correspondent is right in thinking that he is not alone in his misfortunes, and I must imagine also from his letter that he possibly failed to do as some were......

Financial Notes

HOLIDAY MARKETS. Ii , I were to employ the current language of the Stock Exchange, I should have to say there was practically " nothing doing " in any market, and that business,......

A Good Recovery.

The latest half-yearly report of Ry lands and Sons, Limited, is a most satisfactory one. A year ago the reverse was the case owing to the industrial troubles, but the latest......