[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—Adjoining the Brent Valley Golf Links, in the Borough of Ealing, is an estate of seven acres, the greater part of the grounds of which have, from being left almost entirely untouched for fifteen years or more, become a recognized haunt of birds, and many species are known to have nested there. These include the Blackcap, the Garden and Willow Warblers, the Whitethroat, and the Moorhen. Wildfowl come to the lake which is formed by the perennial spring and the Goldfinch and Green Woodpecker are often to be seen.
The Selborne Society has long wished to protect the ground in question, and at last there is an opportunity of acquiring it. It has been suggested that it would make a fitting memorial to the late W. II. Hudson, who helped the Selborne Society to establish the Brent Bird Sanctuary at Perivale higher up the river, which twenty-five years ago set an example that has been widely followed, of preserving for urban districts the interesting birds of the country-side.
It will not be necessary for the Selborne Society to take over the mansion, but if funds allow, as this has been fitted up as a hospital by the Government, two good things might be done at once, for it could most appropriately be placed at the disposal of some charitable organization, or it could be used as the beginning of a Folk Museum which ought to be inaugurated in this country before it is too late.
The property was advertised as for sale by auction in building plots a few days ago, but some members of the Selborne Society have for the moment saved it from this fate- Donations can therefore now be invited towards its purchase and maintenance, which should be sent to the Treasurer, Sir John Otter, at the Hermitage, Hanwell, W. 7.—I am, Sir, &c., MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU, President.