An Aged Salmon A queer incident befell a salmon fisher
the other day. He went down to look at a favourite pool the evening before starting to fish, and as soon as he reached the place saw a very large salmon lying within a yard or two of the bank. It took no notice of his approach ; it took no notice of pebbles thrown at it, but continued to lie like a log. The fisherman returned to the house of his host and reported the strange behaviour. The two returned to the place with a gaff and found the salmon exactly where it had been. It was given another chance, and a shower of stones thrown at it ; but they had no effect. Then at last the gaff was taken and it was found possible to reach the fish by putting one foot in the water. The salmon was successfully gaffed but was so powerful that both men, who fortunately were holding hands, were very nearly pulled into the river. The salmon, which weighed about fifty pounds, was in good enough condition, though rather red. It was examined by the specialist who decided that it was thirteen years old and dying of old age. Is that a normal length of life for the species ?