An Aged Salmon A Queer Incident Befell A Salmon Fisher
the other day. He went down to look at a favourite pool the evening before starting to fish, and as soon as he reached the place saw a very large salmon lying within a yard or......
The Pigeon's Harvest
Grain crops have a good many enemies, and this year in my experience the worst has been, not the sparrow, but the pigeon. They descended in hordes on some cornfields ; in spite......
Ringers And Writers All Students Of Birds Owe A Very
great debt to Mr. Witherby who, I understand, is giving over to the Ornithological Trust the management of the organisation for ringing birds. He was one of its authors and......
Country Life
Urbanised Vegetables In a " harmless hamlet," with whose social and economic ways I am familiar, the many people who wish to buy vegetables go to the local greengrocer. The......
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Broken Drought When the official drought (of fifteen days) broke with a downpour of quite tropical violence, the country became like a forcing house, when the sunshine returned.......
Unseen Departures It Is The Custom Of Some Natural History
publications, notably the Field, to publish week by week the news of the arrival of this bird and that from overseas in spring time. Does anyone publish the dates of departures......
A Beautiful Harvest
A very beautiful, though not abnormally bountiful, harvest is being carried through at a rare rate. Was ever the wheat a deeper colour ? It became sunburnt just at the right......
Peculiar Tastes Eccentricities Of Feeding Habit Are Many...
of instinct as well as of reason ; but one of the oddest I ever heard of is reported from France by a reader of The Spectator. A tame white pigeon showed such a passion for......