A Dangerous Highway The Instructions Issued To British...
the Mediter- ranean by the Admiralty on Tuesday are significant. " If any British merchant ship is attacked by a submarine without warning, his Majesty's ships are authorised to......
The Fighting In Spain After A Lull Of Five Weeks
the insurgents have taken the offensive on the northern front, and within three days captured 20 villages and taken 2,000 prisoners and huge quantities of arms. Their most......
Assimilation—or Elimination ?
It is difficult to withhold admiration for the sentiments enunciated by Dr. Frick, the German Minister of the Interior, on Saturday regarding the treatment of racial minorities......
Mr. Aberhart And The Constitution Mr. Aberhart, The...
Alberta, this week refused the request of Mr. Mackenzie King, the Federal Prime Minister, that he should agree to refer his recent banking legislation to the Supreme Court. Its......
Education In India In Their Report On Vocational...
India two distin- guished officials of the Board of Education, Mr. A. Abbott and Mr. S. H. Wood, have made a valuable contribution to the study of one of India's most serious......
Mr. Roosevelt's Nominee When, As Is Expected, Congress In...
goes into recess at the end of this week, after an unusually prolonged session, it will have the satisfaction of knowing that it has defeated some of the administration's most......