[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sut,—In the matter of
Nursing Shortage we fiddle while Rome burns. We play tunes on this motif or that ; we write to the papers ; all the papers ; endless tunes. Soon the refrain will be "No birds were flying in the sky;
There were no birds to fly."
The voluntary hospital system of independent units has brought us to this pass. It is unlikely, left to itself, to create a phoenix to soar above the ashes.
If the community realised that something new had to be created the necessary organisation could be formed. The Ministry of Health, the General Nursing. Council, the College of Nursing, the B.M.A. and, most important of all, the interested public could in combination devise a service to meet modern needs in a modern spirit. Can no one bring these essential Peppard Common, Oxon..