Returning to our search for a yield of 5 per cent. combined with reasonable security of capital, we may consider this week a group of preference shares in companies which cover a wide field of industry. An investment fund spread over the fol- lowing securities should not come to much harm : No. of times Yield
Dividend Current
Covered. Price. £ s. d.
Barrow Barnsley Main Collieries
5i% First Cumulative Li Pref. 5 21:-; 5
6 0 Carpet Trades 5% LI Cum. Pref. 4
21;3 4
14 3
English Electric 6t.% Cum. £t Pref. 21 26— 5
1 o
Pease & Partners 5% Cum. £i Pref. 21
2 0
Southern Railway 5%u Pref. . .
i 93i 5
8 6
The average yield on an investment divided equally between these five shares would be. £5 2s. 6d. per cent. In each case the earnings prospects are favourable, indicating a probability that the 'Cover behind the dividend is being strengthened.
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