* * * * We had not really got accustomed
yet to calling Ian Macpherson Lord Strathcarron, though he had held his peerage for over a year. Bad health had compelled him to drop out of the main stream of politics—he had held no Ministerial office since 1922—and his Chief Secretaryship for Ireland in the two troubled years 1918-192o had been' half-forgotten. He was Scots through and through and would have made an admirable Secretary for Scotland. In earlier years he reviewed regularly for The Spectator, and till quite recently articles on Scottish subjects have appeared from time to time in its columns. When he went to the Irish Office, after having, as Under-Secretary for War, been called on to deal with certain resorts in towns behind the lines in France, they said in Dublin " They're sending us the man who made the half-world safe for democracy." * * * *