The French papers have been absorbed in the interest of'
the English Ministerial crisis; which was indeed foreseen in Paris six weeks ago, as we heard at the time. The minute and generally correct understanding of the matter which the journals exhibit is a striking test of the intimacy now subsisting in the relations of the two countries. The Government papers regret the retirement of the Peel Ministry, but regard the measure of the Corn-law as inevitable; and they lecture our landed aristocracy for not yielding with a good grace and truer policy of self-interest. On the whole, the accession of the Whigs is not seized with any avidity as a pre- text for hostile anticipations. The National, indeed, asserts that Louis Philippe has sent despatches to London protesting against the return of his personal enemy Lord Palmerston to office: but the sally is impro- bable, and is not improved for warlike purposes, as it would have been a few years ago. Perhaps their eager search into our proceedings for pretexts of quarrel has had the indirect and lucky result of making the French un- derstand English politics a little better.