News Of The Week.
Loan Josue RUSSELL has accepted office: the fact was announced yester- day morning, and not till then. The imperfect attempts to guess at the distribution of offices in his......
Lord Metcalfe Has At Last Quitted His Post In Canals.
Unable to resist the ravages of disease, and desirous of escaping a winter's impilio.nicent at a distance from the medic's' resources of London, he has come away, by permission,......
There Has Now Been Time To Learn The Reception Given
by the country to the news of Sir Robert Peel's definitive resignation and Lord John Rps- sell's accession. From the provincial papers but little information can be gathered:......
We Have Already Mentioned How The News Was Received In
Dublin: it was "a great day for Ireland," and Mr. O'Connell made a flaming spew.h.. His whole plans are altered, though he keeps up a show of similarity in. his language. "......
The French Papers Have Been Absorbed In The Interest Of'
the English Ministerial crisis; which was indeed foreseen in Paris six weeks ago, as we heard at the time. The minute and generally correct understanding of the matter which the......