We have already mentioned how the news was received in
Dublin: it was "a great day for Ireland," and Mr. O'Connell made a flaming spew.h.. His whole plans are altered, though he keeps up a show of similarity in. his language. " Cheap bread" is now the first thing for the Irish, aid every man who does not support Lord John Russell is "an enemy to Ireland." There are, indeed, conditions, but to be discussed afterwards. They appear to be principally these,—a Parliamentary Committee on Railways to sit and spend its money in Dublin; an advance of money, equal to the paid-up capital, for promotion of the said railways, in order to employ.the poor, and to be secured by mortgage on the railways themselves (not a bad suggestion); some measure to establish " fixity of tenure"; the dismissed Magistrates, Tory as well as Liberal, to be restored; and Earl Fortescue not to be sent back to Ireland, because he has made himself offensive to the Repeaters and his son has made himself offensive to the Romig Catholics. Lastly—ay, lastly!—Repeal is "not to be compromised." Mr. Smith O'Brien raises the cry, " Repeal, and no compromise!" and Mr. O'Connell echoes it—" Repeal, Smith O'Brien, and no compromise!" Mr. Smith O'Brien is ludicrously in earnest. It is not intimated, however, that Lord John Russell must meddle with that measure: it is simply that Mr. O'Connell does not abandon the Repeal—nor the Repeal rent.