20 DECEMBER 1845, page 14

A New Court Wanted.

Too much of the time of Magistrates in Police Courts is taken up with a kind of business which, properly speaking, has no bu- siness there. The duty of the Police Magistrate is......

"extraordinary High Tide."

1r would appear impossible to persuade people, however highly vilized, that Nature works by general laws—that what has happen- ed once may and perhaps will happen again. One......

Crime On The High Seas.

" WHERE there is much smoke, there is some fire." The fre- quent stories of brutal abuse of power on the part of masters in the merchant sea-service, shows that neither acts of......

Blessed Are The Peacemakers.

THE friends of peace in the manufacturing districts have com- menced an agitation of a novel character, but not the less praise- worthy on that account. They invite the......