ZbE court.
THE Queen returned to Windsor Castle on Saturday, to be nearer town during the Ministerial crisis. Her Majesty arrived before two o'clock; having travelled by the South-western Railway, and entered a Royal car- riage at the Farnbognigh station. The Prince of Wales, Princess Royal, and Princess Alice,lrere in the same carriage; and the suite followed.
Prince Albert formed one of the party from Osborne House; but he came straight to London from Farnborough, went to the cattle-show in Baker Street, and afterwards proceeded by the Great Western Railway to Windsor. Lord John Russell and the Marquis of Lansdowne arrived at Windsor Castle at twenty minutes past ten o'clock on Wednesday night; and they departed next morning at a quarter past ten, for town. Lord John Russell came again to the Castle the same afternoon, and after an audience re- turned to London.
Prince Albert came to town on Monday, transacted business at the office of the Dutchy of Cornwall, and returned to Windsor. Yesterday, his Royal Highness gave audience to the Vice-Chancellor of
England, Sir Francis Simpkinson, and Mr. Selwyn, a deputation from Lincoln's Inn.
There have been but few visitors at the Castle. Sir Henry Wheatley arrived on Monday, and staid for one night; Earl Delawarr arrived on Thursday.