Tuesday, December 16.
Stevens and Alexander, Clement's Inn, civil-engineers-Mutt and Johnson, I.eyton, Essex, bricklayers-James and CO. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, share-brokers-Taylor and Foord, Old Brcntford, plumbers-Foot and Taylor, Stoke Newington, greengrocers- Bardwell and Sons, Sheffield, stock-brokers-J. and J. Swaine and Co. Bradford, wor- sted-spinners; as far as regards W. Wood-Barber and Co. Norwich, grocers; as far as regards A. W. Barber-Menand and Bradshaw, Chesterfield, attornies-Walton and Smith, Coventry, brickmakers-Aldred and Lainson, Rotherld.he, linendrapers-Prest and Co. Halifax, linendrapers-Lucas and Iroson, Kingsthorpe Lodge, Northampton- shire, limeburners-Wyllie and Co. Long Island Mill, near Carlisle ; as far as regards A.Wight-Schofield and Collin, Oldham, machine-makers-Smith and Cu. Manchester, bankers-R. H. and W. Clark, Birmingham, grocers-Adams and Co. Bow, carriage- builders ; as far as regards W. A. Adams-T. and D. Genn, Sheffield, grocers-Ward and Barrow, Manchester, shirt-manufacturers-Platt and Co. Oldham, Inntfounders ; as far as regards J. Platt-Owen and Hopkins, Swansea, woollen-manufacturers.
CoILDAROY, FREDERICK, Liverpool, hatter, to surrender Dec 31, Jan 16 : solicitors, Vincent and Co. Temple; Minshull, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. GILL, WILLIAM, Leadenhall Market, poulterer, Dec. 22, Jan. 27 : solicitor, Mr. Tlppetts, Pancras Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Turquaml, Old Jewry Chambers. Ilsr.LswELL, Tuomss IBBETSON, and Co., Halifax, dyers, Dec. 29, Jan. 21 : solicitors, Taylor, Nicholas Lane; Clegg, Bradford ; Cariss, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. HUMPHRTES, WILLIAM, Haymarket, hotel-keeper, Dec. 29, Jan. 27 : solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Arundel Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street. RULatE, Janus, Manchester, paper-dealer, Jan. 2, 16 : solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Char- lotte Street, Bedford Square ; Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, blauchester ; official assignee, 31r. Hobson, Manchester.
JONES, MICHAEL, Theobald's Road, grocer, Dec.24, Jan. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Miles, Brunswick Place, City Road ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. KEARTON, WILLIAM, Lamb's St. Spitalfields, cheesemonger, Dec. 23, Jan.27 : solicitor, Hutchison, Crown Court, Threadneedle St. • official assignee, Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Poor., Thomas, Princess Road, Notting Hill, builder, Dec. 30. Jan 30-: solicitor, Mr. Wright, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. REYNOLDS, JAMES, Fazakerley, near Liverpool, cowkeeper, Dec. 30, Jan. 20 : so- licitors, Messrs. Bridger and Blake, London Wall ; Mr. Dodge, Liverpeol; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.
Jan. 6, Harding, Gravesend, hosier-Jan. 6, Tinson, Farringdon, Berkshire, inn- keeper-Jan. 6, Gautier, Gould Square, Crutchedfriars, merchant-Jan. G, Dettmer, upper 3larylebone Street, pianoforte-manufacturer-Jan. 6, Hart, Greenwich, builder --Jan. 9, Townsend, Little Russell Street, pawnbroker-Jan. 20, Spofford, Chatham, linendraper-Jan. 16, Barandon, Philpot Lane, merchant-Jan. 9, Pearson, Newcastle- npon-Tyne, fellmonger-Jan. 16, Yates, Stafford, banker.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Jan. 8, Harding, Gravesend, hosier-Jan. 8, Pemeller, Tysoe Street, Spatields. coal- merchant-Jan. 16, Barnes, Woodbridge, Suffolk, chemist-Jan. 13, Spofford, Chat- ham, liuendraper-Jan. 9, Harvard, Brook Street, Bond Street, lamp-maker-Jan. 7, Best, St. James's 'Valk, printer--Jan. 7, Lack, Stockbridge Terrace, Pimlico, saddler- Jan. 16, Owen, 3Iadeley, Shropshire, surgeon-Jan. 7, Shanklin, Salford, druggist.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jan. G.
Lucian' High Holborn, bootmaker-Dawson, Rochdale, calico-printer-Davies, Liverpool, merchant-J. and J. Thompson, Leeds, stock-brokers.
Palmer sen. and Barker, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, cotton-doublers; first div. of 3s. 134., and first div. of Is. 9d. on Barker's separate estate, any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Bourne, Liverpool, corn-factor , first div. of l Od. on Dec. IS, or any sub- seqdent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Nicholson, Stockton, bookseller; first div. of 3s. 3d. any Saturday after Dec. 16; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Reny, Walker, Northumberland, ship-builder ; first illy. of 8d. any Saturday after Dec. 1G; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Johnson and Mann, Romford; Essex, bankers ; div. of Is. on Dec. 17, at the White Hart Inn, Rumford, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr.
Follett, Basinghall Street. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
BRowN, J., Auchterarder, grocer, Dec. 25, Jan. 15. Dossrnsox, A. junior, Edinburgh, tailor, Dec. 23, Jan. 14. GRACIE, A. senior, Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, cattle-dealer, Dec. 19, Jan. 3.
GRACIE, A. and R., Glencairn, cattle-dealers, Dec. 18, Jan. 7.
Friday, Dec. 19.
Tallier and Co. Poplar, turpentine-distillers; as far as regards W. Shacke11-3f. and H. Clegg, HaliffiX, grocers-Alexander and AarOns, Strand, tobacconists-Volckman and Sons, Bishopsgate Street Within, confectioners ; as far as regards J. Volekman- Fletcher and Co. Southampton, booksellers; as far as regards T. Fletcher-J. and J. Buckley, Manchester, cotton-dealers-Page and CO. Queen Street, Cheapside, printers- Leake and Co. Allerton Bywater, Yorkshire, vessel-builders-Greenwell and partners, Castle Eden, Durham, coal-owners ; as far as regards R. Greenwell-Cresswell and Forrester, Orange Street, Bloomsbury, glove-manufacturers-Sewell and Harris, Fram- lingharn, grocers-Pinel and Co. Tottenham, gum-fiecula-manufacturers-Barrett and Condell, Copthall Court, attornies -Bishop and Wright, Kingston-upon-Hull, coal- dealers-Crompton and Sereeton, Kingston-upon-Hull, bookbinders-Farebrother and Hewitt, Church Street, Lambeth, surveying-instrument-makers-Nelson and Gill, Great Dover Road, gold-beaters-Taylor and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants ; as far as regards W. Clifford. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.—LEDGARD, EDWARD, Mirfleld, Yorkshire, oil-crasher. BANKRUPTS CHARLES, HENRY, Manchester, commission-agent, to surrender, Jan. 3, 22: solicitors, Fearnhead, Clifford's Inn; Andrews, Manchester; official assignee, Hobson, Manchester. COLLINS, JOHN, Salford, common brewer, Dec. 31, Jan. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co., Bedford Row; Mr. Cooper, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester.
Caarr, Groans, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, baker, Dec. 29, Feb. 3: solicitor, Mr. Chap- pell, Quality Court ; Mr. Bentley, Hitchin; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jcwry.
FINDLEY, Tnomes, Manchester, plasterer, Dec. 30,Jan. 20: solicitors, Mr. Fearnhead, Clifford's Inn ; Messrs. Andrew, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, 3anchester. GRAHAM, GEORGE and Co., Cheapside, calico-printers, Dec.27, Feb. 13 : solicitor, Mr. Brace, Surrey Street ; official assignee, 31r. Follett, Basinghall Street.
flows, JOHN. West Bromwich, lineudraper, Dec. 31, Jan. 24: solicitors, Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street ; 3fr. Bartlett, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. 13ittleston, Birmingham.
JESstrr, James, and Jonssow, WILLIAM, Queen's Road, Holloway, builders, Dec. 30, Feb.6 solicitor, Mr. Keighley, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. KELSEY, JOHN, Manchester, joiner, Dee. 30, Jan. 20: solicitors, Mr. Fearnhead, Clif- ford's Inn ; Messrs. Andrew, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. LEADBEATER, Jona, Manchester, merchant, Jan. 5, 26: solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Char- lotte Street, Bedford Square ; Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
LEWIS, JoaN, Tipton, Staffordshire, grocer, Jan. 2, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
Jan. 9, Plowman, Oxford, ironmonger-Jan. 9, Chaplin, Pullin's Place, Islington, cowkeeper-Tan. 9, Jameson, Yarm, Yorkshire, surgeon-Jan. 9, De Wilde, Wells Street, Oxford Street, cabinet-ironmonger-Jan. 10, Hutchinson, Jewry Street, Ald- gate, leather-seller-Jan. 13, Thomas, Bristol, wine-merchant-Jan. 13, Seaborn, Berkeley, baker-Jan. 16, 3Ialpas, Bath, victualler- Jan. 14, Warr, Beaminster, auc- tioneer-Jan. 14, Dnkin, Manchester, glass-manufacturer-Jan. 14, Mariand, junior, Todmorden, roller-maker-Jan. 13, Whittaker, Macclesfield, silk-throwster- Jan. 15,
Wood, Saddleworth, merchaut. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Jan. 12, Webber, Cotherington, Hampshire, grocer-Jan. 9, Cato, Hexham, North- timberland, tea-dealer-Jan. 15, Parfitt, Bristol, engineer-Jan. 13, Vaughan, Poulton- cum-Spittal, Cheshire, farmer--Jan. 15, Kirkby, Kirkheaton, fancy-manufacturer- Jan. 10, Turner, Manchester, cabinet-maker.
2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jan. 9. Fisher, Lynn, spirit-merchant-NrEntire, Paternoster Row, commission-agent- Home, Woodstock Mews, Blenheim Street, veterinary-surgeon-Isherwood, M ancheste *, engraver to calico-printers-Pratt, Berners Street, wine-merchant-31iddleton, Avelev, Essex, hay-salesman-Klmber, Old Trinity House, Water Lane, wine-merchant-Barry
Bristol, victualler-Clarke, Glower Street North, plumber-Wild, Bristol, glaslez-Wil- Hams, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, master-mariner.
Batt, Old Broad Street, silkman ; first di.. of 14s. 6d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street- Lusson, Sheerness, dockyard-clerk ; first div. of 16s. 6d. any Wed- nesday; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street-Lee, Charing Cross, hosier; first div. of 00. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street--Crosby and Co. Houndsclitch, hard- waremen ; third div. of lid. any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Curtis, Liskeard ; first div. of 4s. 4d. any day after Dec. 22; 31r. Hernamtui, Exeter-Pitt, Plymouth, grocer; first and final div. of 24d. any day after Dec. 22; Mr. Hernaman, Exeter-Buisson, Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, merchant ; first div. of Is. 5d. Dec. 20,, and the three subsequent Saturdays; /dr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Hodgson, Llveipool, scrivener ; first div. of is. 9d. Dec. 22, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liver- pool-G. and J. M. Gilchrist, Liverpool, merchants ; div. of 60. Dec. 22, or any sub- sequent Monday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Laurie, Fleetwood-on-Wyre, Lancashire, chymist ; first div. of 3s. 4d. Dec. 22, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liver- pool-Keyes and Co., Liverpool, merchants; third div. of 2fd. and 6s. Md. on new proof®, Dec. 22, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Danson, Liver- pool, merchant ; third div. of 3-32ds of a penny, Dec. 22, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
Bars, J., Glasgow, merchant, Dec. 25, Jan. 15.
DONALDSON, A., Peebles, tailor, Dee. 25, Jan. 16. LEARMOUTH, D., W., and J., Redding, farmers, Dec. 26, Jan. 19. STEVENSON and Co., Lochwlnnoch, power-loom-manufacturers, Dec. 26, Jan. 16.