20 DECEMBER 1845, Page 7

§ortign anti' Zolonial. FRANCE.—The Minister of Commerce opened the session

of the Council- General of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, on Monday. M. Cunin-Gridaine gave a flourishing account of the state of French trade,

internal and external. He announced some measures to be submitted to the Council; a redaction of duty on iron intended for war-steamers, on Northern iron for the manufacture of steel, and a modification of the duty on spun cotton.

The Minister of War has recently instituted a Board of Inspection, com- prising two Inspectors-General and ten subordinates, to select colonists desirous of going to Algeria.

General Duvivier, to whom is intrusted the command of the troops in the expedition against Madagascar, has left Paris for Cherbourg. The Invalides assisted at a religions ceremony on Monday, anniversary of the day on which Napoleon's remains were translated to the HospitaL

Irony.—Letters from Bologna, in the Manheim Gazette, state that a sus- picious-looking vessel, under the Greek flag, has lately been several times seen in that quarter: it is supposed to have been fitted out at Malta, to make a descent on the States of the Church. A rumour had been circu- lated in various towns along the coast that a fresh landing was intended by the Italian refugees; but it appears that the strict surveillance kept up by the vessels of the Pontifical Government had prevented it.

UNITED STATES.—The Britannia steam-ship brings intelligence from Boston to the 2d instant; having been detained one day by fog. It does not bring the President's message; the accounts from Washington only coming down to the night of the 30th November. Congress was to meet on the following day; and from the trifling nature of the preliminary busi- ness to be gone through on this occasion, it was expected that the message would be delivered on the 2d or 3d at latest. A correspondent of the New York Courier and Enquirer gives the following as the main topics to be in- cluded in the message- " 1. The Sub-Treasury.—That the reenactment of the Sub-treasury will be urged most explicitly and unmistakeably. " 2. The Tariff.—That the President will back np the recommendations of the Secretary of the Treasury; namely, the repeal of the present tariff; the substitu- tion of a maximum rate of duty of Imenty per centum, with discriminations below that rate for the sake of revenue; and the curtailment, if not the entire abolition, of the free-list, though tea may probably be recommended to be left free. I am informed that the only article on which there is any hesitation about the twenty per cent is iron.

" 3. Oregon.—Our rights there to be maintained and vindicated, bat not rapidly." The popular excitement on the subject of Oregon had subsided in a very marked degree. For example, the Cincinnati Gazette, a journal published in the heart of the West, speaks thus- " With the exception of limited portions of Missouri and Illinois, there is not any large portion of the people either desirous of war or anxious to resort to ultra measures in this Oregon dispute. * * * The mercantile and farming inte- rests are averse to war; being under the firm conviction that Oregon is ours, and, let what will come to pass, that it will be oars, if we allow Nature to have her course."

The principal excitement was that produced in the corn-market by the news from England. " John Bull," exclaims one writer, " is making alt our fortunes for us"; and this country is promised " such a deluge of corn and flour as shall compensate for the failure of half-a-dozen potato crops." There had been an enormous accumulation of stocks at New York: the- quantity of flour brought down already amounted to 800,000 barrels, equal to 500,000 quarters. Sales had been effected at 71 dollars; but speculators held back for higher prices, and by a reaction prices felL The total wheat -crop in the country is estimated in these accounts at 1.25,000,000 bushels: the largest crop ever known previously, that of 1842, was 103,000,000.

Cawana.—Letters from Montreal, of the 27th November, announce the sudden departure of Lord Metcalfe, for England. He had sent home his resignation, on account of the desperate state of his health; and had re- ceived a reply in which the decision was left entirely to himself. Such being the case, he hastened his departure, lest the closing of the St. Law- rence navigation should render travelling dangerous to a man in his condition. His intention was not known in Montreal till the 25th No- vember, and he embarked on the 26th. Nevertheless, a vast concourse, headed by the Mayor, collected to bid him farewelL The parting scene was most affecting. Cheering was very partial and subdued; intense sorrow being the predominant feeling; and it was expressed in subdued rather than vociferous exclamations of regard. Lord Metcalfe's face was so wrapped in bandages as to be scarcely visible. Before he stepped on board, an address was presented by the Mayor. It expressed the sympathy and sincere good wishes of all parties. Lord Metcalfe made a verbal reply, saying that he was so overcome that he could not express his feelings is appropriate language; but, although nearly choked by his emotions, he uttered a few words of kindness and affection for the province. He was followed on board by the audible prayers of the multitude for his safety and restoration to health.

Lord Metcalfe left an address to be published after his departure. It expresses his fervent wishes for the welfare of Canada; satisfaction at the rapidly increasing prosperity of the province and the abating animosities; and gratitude for the cordial support which he had received from the loyalty and public spirit of the inhabitants. Lord Metcalfe says— He does not quit his post in pursuit of a cure for a complaint which is stip- pawd to be incurable, nor for the preservation of a life which could not be better disposed of than in the service of her Majesty, and in the exercise of honest en- deavours to promote the welfare of this splendid province; but solely because the increasing ravages of his disorder deprive him of the power of performing the duties of his office with the requisite efficiency."

Earl Cathcart, Commander of the Forces, had been sworn in to admi- nister the Government until Lord Metcalfe'a successor should arrive.