"From our first announcement of the resignation of Sir Robert Peel we have not ceased to impress upon the public how many and how serious were the obstacles to the formation of a Liberal Government. In the face of them, nothing less than the absolute necessities of the public service could justify Lord John Russell in undertaking the task. Unless he could calculate upon the cordial support of the heads of the late Government, and upon the hearty and generous cooperation of the whole of his own party, it was obvious that he could not so much as entertain the subject of forming an Administration; and even with such support as this, it must still be a matter of grave doubt whether his Lordship hail such reasonable prospect of success as could alone warrant him in encountering the difficulties of the present crisis. It is only as the formation of a Cabinet progresses that these difficulties come to be fully developed: and it is altogether uncertain whether they may not even yet terminate in Lord John Russell's aban- doning the task upon which lie had already entered. In a merely party view, we confess we should not regret this result. While the great object upon which the heart of the people is fixed would perhaps be more surely and more thoroughly accomplished by a little delay and the wreck of another Administration, the posi- tion of the Liberal party would be greatly strengthened by throwing back the Government upon those who have fled from its responsibilities. But this is not a time for the playing of party tricks, or for the stiff assertion ofpecteliar views. At what time during the last few years have we had niece need of the care and watchfulness of a strong Government than at present? If the country will re- quire to be told why, at such a time, Sir Robert Peel broke up his strong Govern- ment, depend upon it, it will also require to be told why Lord John Russell has not been able-if unhappily he shall not he able-to form any Government."- Horning Chronicle. " We yesterday announced that the interregnum had terminated, and that Lord John Russell had accepted from her Majesty the task of forming an Administration. His Lordship, as wdethen explained, entered upon his office with the utmost hesitation, and only assumed the responsibilities of a Minister when lie found that Sir Robert Peel declined to return to power-at least until his rival had experienced the difficulties of the crisis and failed in surmounting them. If we are rightly informed, it is by no means improbable that Sir Robert Peel will have an opportunity of resuming office even upon these terms. Lord John Russell has found the difficulties of his position greater than, even after a week's consideration, he had anticipated. At a meeting yesterday, at which all the chiefs of his party were present, so much disunion prevailed, and so much doubt as to the ultimate success of an Administration which would have at the outset to encounter in the House of Commons an immense adverse majority, with the assistance only of the precarious support which Sir Robert Peel could affonl, that it remains until this morning in doubt whether or not Lord John Russell will, after a more exact calculation of his strength, persevere in the task he has undertaken, or resign the trust once more into the hands of her Majesty. We should do Lord John Russell injustice if we did not except him from those among whom any doubt or hesitation prevails. His Lordship has been anxious to eman- cipate himself from the prudery of faction, and to construct his Cabinet on the widest possible basis, so that it might be in every respect equal to the emergency, and might possess a large share of the national confidence. Like Sir Robert. Peel, however, he has had to encounter among his proposed colleagues every va- riety of disappointment, from direct opposition to lukewarm support; and, although himself hopeful of success, and willing to adventure upon his great enterprise, the reluctance of some among his. political friends to engage in a struggle from which Sir Robert Peel, with his majority of ninety in the House of Commons, and his great advantage in the Upper House, has been compelled to withdraw, may induce him to give way, and to throw upon Sir Robert Peel the full responsibility of the crisis he has created."-Times.
"It was rumoured yesterday that the Whig-Radical Ministry is to have the advantage of Mr. Cobdeu's assistance in an official capacity.”--Morning Herald.. "The Government which tolerated 'Reform' could not tolerate O'ConnelL But in due course of time the progress of events made O'Connell necessay to the holding of place, and the Government was modified accordingly. * * *Who. shall say that a year or two from this time, we may not have a similar transition, only sinking down to Cobden instead of to O'Connell? Who shall say that the genteeler Whigs may not then move off to make room for Cobden, who is pleased to hold the landlords up to public execration as a gang of plunderers and mono- polists, and Mr. Bright, who is resolved that the power of the hereditary Peerage shall be laid in the dust ?"-Dforning Post.
There is some speculation as to the course which the new Ministry may pursue, if the present difficulty be overcome. It will be remembered that, by accepting office, the Whig Ministerk would vacate their seats, and that their meeting the assembled Parliament would thus be delayed. All things taken into account, it would be impossible to " open the ports" by enactment, until some time (not very early) in the spring. How would that meet the present "emergency," of which so much is made, or provide for the winter? The only way to act up to the professed emergency, is to open the ports by an Order in Council, at the very first meeting of the new Cabinet.