Dit.o for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
at per Cents
Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock
Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4i per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents
The transactions in the English Funds have this week not been on an ex- tensive scale. There appears to be more of a disposition to watch the tide of events in France for the present than engage in extensive operations. The period for the election of the President of the Republic being close at hand, continues a subject for much comment, and the Arm state of the French Funds has occasioned no small surprise. Upon the latter point, how- ever, whatever importance may be attached in Paris to their sudden and enormous advance, it is quite evident from what has transpired this week that it has not a corresponding effect in the English Market, but only to
a trifling extent. On Monday, in consequence of a rise of 2} per cent in
French Rentes, Consols recovered 1 per cent upon Saturday's quotation. On Tuesday morning, upon its being known that a further advance of rather more than 4 per cent had taken place in the Rentes, they improved * per
cent, but only to return to the price of the day before. On Wednesday the Paris prices came 3 per cent lower, but it only had the effect of making our own Funds recede I per cent. By advices received on Thursday from
Paris, there had been a rally of 1 per cent ; which caused our Stocks to open better, but only was the result at the close of the market This has been a very quiet day, and the Funds after having been higher, leave off at yesterday's quotation. Bank Snick and Exchequer Bills are about the same as last week. Three per Cent Reduced and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents have fluctuated in the same proportion as Consols. Long Annuities have improved a shade this week.
In Foreign Stocks, a fair amount of business has been transacted, and prices on the average have been well supported. A further rise of about 2 per cent has occurred in Sardinian Bonds, large purchases having been made and other Stocks have improved to the following extent or rate per cent. Danish, 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Ceuta and Four per Cents, 11; Russian Fives, 2; but the Four-and-a-half per Cents are lower by 1 per cent : Spanish Stock is better; Portuguese has partly recovered the fall of last week, and is 1 per cent better. In Mexican Stock, the rise referred to in last week's report has continued : it improved 1 per cent on Tuesday, which has been maintained. The rise was owing to speculations on the possibility of sonic arrangement being made with the indemnity-money, as the Congress is now sitting. The mail on Monday brought the draft of the bill laid before the Mexican Congress for applying the Church property to the purposes of the State.
In the Share Market, Railway lines continue strong, and the rise noticed last week has been succeeded by another during the present week, althougli not to the same extent. Monday was the settling-day, and Stock was plen- tiful in most eases; but markets were well supported. Bristol and Exeter, London and North-western, and London and South-western' have improveu 11.; Great Western, Midland, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 11. 108.. South- eastern, 10s. French Shares have also been. dealt in at improved rates, having advanced to the following extent—Central of France, and Paris and Strasbourg, 11. 10a. ; Paris and Rouen, 21. 10a. ; Paris and Orleans, 21.; North- ern of France, 11. 53.; Boul e and Amiens, 12s. 6d. There was a meeting on ednesday of the claimants of the Lyons and Avignon Railway, for a return of the caution-monies. They agreed to a me- menet to the President of the French Republic. The advance amounts to 10,000,000 franca; and strong reasons were urged at the meeting, either for its return or for its being reckoned as part of the paid-up capital in any con- cession that may now be granted. A deputation is to proceed to Paris on this affair.
In the English Market there is nothing: doing this morning, and the quo- tations are the same as yesterday—Consols for Account 961 f. In the Foreign Market also, prices are quite nominal. In the Railway Share Market, prices are steady. Midland has been done at 56j; Great Western, 851; and don and South-western, 844.
SATURDAY, Two o'Ctoex. In the English Market, some purchases have caused an improvement of I per cent ; Consols for Account leaving off at 961 7. In Foreign Stocks there has been nothing particular to notice. Brazilian, are 94 6; Belgian 90 2; Chilian, 99 101; Danish, 101 3; Ditto Three per Cents, 76 8; Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents, 584 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 89 90; Portuguese Four per Cents, 32t 41; Ditto Five per Cents., 903; Russian, 112 14; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 102 3; Spanish Active, 201 1; Ditto Three per Cents, 40k; Sardinian Bonds, 835. In Railway Shares an unusually small amount of business has been trans.' acted ; the market, however, is firm—Aberdeen, 101; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 5; Caledonian, 151; Chester and Holyllrd, 201; Great Northern, 18; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 54; Ditto Tra -shares B 6 per Cent, 14 Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 351; Great Western, 851; Lane cashire andYorkshire 57k; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 96; Lon- don and North-western, 1154; London and South-western, 844; Midland, 5.51; North British, 74; North Staffordshire, sa ; South-eastern and Dover, 201; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 171; York and North Midland, 211; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 294; Buckinghamshire, 18; Leeds and Bradford, 1011; Caledonian, 101., 74' Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 1, 1 premium ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 134; North British, 41; Boulogne and Amiens, 104; East Indian, 201; Northern of France, 16.; Orleans and Bordeaux, 41; Paris and Rouen, 25' Paris and Strasbourg, 141; Rouen and Havre, 94; Tours and Nantes, 71.
3 per Cent Consols shut Dutch 21 per Cents 584 94 98 97 9617 Ditto 4 per Cents 8910 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 264 7 Peruvian 6 per Cents 88 91 1 1-16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 324 43 2141 151 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 90 3, 48 51pin. Russian 5 per Cents 112 114
Shut Ditto 41 sper Cents 102 3
94 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201 1 90 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 401
Danish 5 per cents ...... 10991 110031 Sardinian Scrip Ditto 3 per Cents Ditto Bonds 83 5 75 8