Earl Brownlow Continues Dangerously Indisposed At Belton...
The Earl of Eldon continues in indifferent health, at Shorley House, near Croydon. Mr. George Frederick Young M.P. is suffering from severe indisposition, arising from an attack......
The American International Exhibition.
The designs of Sir Joseph Paxton for a second "Great Exhibition Build- ing "—required in New York by the emulative Americans—have been submitted to private view this week, at......
The Deputation Nominated To Present To Lord John Russell The
resolu- tions of the late Reform Conference at Manchester, requested Mr. Milner Gibson to seek for them an interview with the Premier. Lord John being at Woburn Abbey, Mr.......
"an Englishman," Who " Has Been Much Mixed Up With
French parties and French politics," has favoured the Times with an admirable letter of three columns on "Louis Napoleon and his Policy. The fol- lowing descriptive passages are......
Money Market.
Dit.o for Account 3 per Cent Reduced at per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4i per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents STOCK......