The deputation nominated to present to Lord John Russell the
resolu- tions of the late Reform Conference at Manchester, requested Mr. Milner Gibson to seek for them an interview with the Premier. Lord John being at Woburn Abbey, Mr. Gibson wrote to him there ; and received the fol- lowing answer.
" Woburn Abbey, 13th December 1851.
"Lord John Russell presents his compliments to Mr. Milner Gibson, and is sorry he cannot receive a deputation from the Conference which was lately held at Manchester on the subject of Parliamentary Reform. It appears to him that there would be great inconvenience in receiving deputations from particular districts on a subject of this nature, in which the whole country is interested."
(A sly hit at his colleague of the Foreign Office, for "receiving depu- tations from particular districts.") Mr. Henry Wilberforce has been chosen by the Committee of the Ca- tholic Defence Association for its Secretary. In the papers announcing the choice, appears a letter signed by Messieurs Keogh, G. H. Moore, O'Flaherty, Scully, Maher, and O'Brien, leading Members of the "Irish Brigade," protesting against the election, as "fatal to the national and therefore to the Catholic cause." There is a great split somewhere.
We have been informed that it is definitely arranged that the situation of Inspector-General of the Cavalry be conferred upon his Royal High- ness the Duke of Cambridge, in consequence of the promotion of Lieu- tenant-General Brotherton, C.B. ; and that his Royal Highness will assume his duties on the 1st of April next.—Morning Chronicle.