20 DECEMBER 1851, page 18

"our Own Correspondent."

THERE never was such a plague! Puck misleading Demetrius and Lysander, or clapping an ass's head upon Bottom, did not distract and worry his victims half so much as 'our own......

Extra Legislative Law.

WHATEVER may be the balance of opinion on the subject of the "taxes on knowledge," as the taxes on newspapers are rather grandiloquently called, there can be no doubt that the......

Military Gazette.

WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 19.-4th Regt. of Drag. Geards-Capt, C. H. D. Donovan, from 9th Light Drags, to be Capt. vice Coles, who exchanges. 6th Drag. Guards-A. J. Owles, Gent, to be......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Deestaber 16. PARTNERSHIPS I:lissom - en -Hail and Son, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, woollen-rnaup. facturers -Hall and Co. Brigstock, Northamptonshire, grooers-Corbitt and......


On the Sth November, at Bombay, Lady Yardley, of a daughter. On the 10th, at Florence, the Lady Methuen, eta eon. On the 29th, at Grand Cairo, the Hon. Mrs. Murray, the Wife of......
