Tuesday, Deestaber 16. PARTNERSHIPS I:lissom-en -Hail and Son, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, woollen-rnaup. facturers -Hall and Co. Brigstock, Northamptonshire, grooers-Corbitt and Woollen, Rotherham, painters-Dixon and Sons, Leeds, wool-merchants-Bietwistle and Co. Great Barwood, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers; as far as regards I. Walineley--, Goodliffe and Midgley, Leicester, stone-masons-Muirhead and Co. Liverpool, ship- brokers -Hargreaves and Co. Bastrick, Yorkshire, fancy:woollen-manufacturers - Albino and Co. Union Court, Holborn, bird-cage-manufacturers-J. and N. Rix, Shadwell, ironmongers-BMus and Dearden, Keighley, Yorkshire, joiners-W. and C. Mather, Salford; millwrights-Willey and Co. Leicester, woollen-drapers-Rush- forth and Co. Etradford, Yorkshire, iron-founder. -Flobson and Taylor, Eccles, Lan- cashire, silk-throwsters-Umbers and Sowden, Stratford-upon-Avon, solicitors- Form an and Hadow, Mincing Lane, colonial-brokers-Fisher and Co. Watling Street, milliners-M-Cleverty and Son, Ashton-under-Lyne, pltunbers-3. L. and H. Hutch- inson, Liverpool, wine-dealers-Reed and Moore. EcdIto. Lancashire, stone-masons- Welke and Son, Lirnehouse, thnber.merchants -Clayton and Co. Watling Street, perfumers; as far as regards J. N. Bland-Harrison and Shakeshaft, Blackburn, tallow-chandlers; as far as regards G. Jackeon.
BANKREPTS.-JAMES BENNETT, Woolwich, carpenter, to surrender Dec. 23, Jan. 27 solicitors, Hudson and Co. Bueklersbury ; official assignee, Graham, 'Coleman Street-Geonce Burrs, Forneett St. Peter, Norfolk, draper, Den 24,Jan. 30: solici- tors, Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Stansfeld. liasingliall Street- NICHOLAS GEARY, St. James's Street, Piccadilly, stay-maker, Dec. 30, Jan. 27: soli- citors, Lowrance and Co. Old Jewry ; official assignee. Edwarda. Sambrook coin's- GEORGE STANERjUni0r, Margate, baker, Dec. 30, Feb. 3: solicitors, Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street ; Wright, Margate; official assignee. Edwards, Sambrook Court-Joszen PALMER GODFREY, Cullompton, Devonshire, paper-maker, Dec. 24, Jan. 20: solicitor, Gidley, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Emeter-Fasozattst EDWARD PREEDT, Sherhorne, wiue-merchant, Dec. 23, Jan. 15 solicitors, Nichols and Clark, Cook's Court ; Garland and Fear, Sherborne; Terrell, Exeter ; official as- signee, Hirtzel, Exeter-FRANCIS BLAIIET,Gwennep, Cornwall, grocer, Dec. 23, Jan. 20: solicitors, Stokes, Truro; Stog,don, Exeter; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter - GEORGE Fxrrensa and ALBION CRAVEN, Leeds, cloth-manufacturers, Jan. 9, 30: solicitors, Richardson and Gaunt, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Josue* Even Sheffield, grocer, Jan. 10, Feb. 7: solicitor, Dixon, Sheffield; official asaLguee, Freeman, Sheffield-ED-wean WILKINSON and THOMAS BENTLEY, Liverpool, tailors. Jan. 5,211: solicitor, Toulmin, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool- Eason ABRAHAMS, Liverpool, tailor, Dec. 26, Jan.-22: solicitor, Shackelnen, Leeds: official assignee, Turner, Lirerpool-Conienues BAINBRIDRE, Birkenhead, ironmon-, ger, Dec. 24, Jan. 15: solicitors, Reece, Birmingham; Owen, Liverpool; cilia ii as-
aignee, Bird, Liverpool —Joan Watunneron, Liverpool, tailor, Dec. 29, Jan. 20: so- licitor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Catenort, Liverpool—JOSEPEI JATIF8 SMITH, Liverpool, earthenware-manufacturer, Dec. 26, Jan. 22: solicitor, Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.
Derma:sm.—Jan. 9, Ross, West Cowes, commission-agent—Jan. 10, Herring, Trinity Street, Southwark, chemist—Jan. 9, Bassett, High Street, Stuaroditch. hotel- keeper—Jan. 9, APViccar, Liverpool, merchant.
CMETTPICATES.— 7b be fronted, unless cause be shoton to the contrary, on the day of wegissy.—Jan.G, Bassett, High Street, Shoreditch, hotelkeeper —Jan. 9, Oran, Noble Street, trader—Jan. 12, •Sykes jun. Sowerby, Halifax, tea-dealer—Jan. 7, Batson, Birmingham. iron-merchant, DECLARATIONS OP Dranaarns.—Turner, Whickham, Durham, colliery viewer; second div. of 6d. (in addition to 2s. 6d. previously declared,) Dec. 20, or any subse- quent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Clarke, Hawes, Yorkshire, wine- merchant; first div. of Is. 931. on any Monday or Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds —Dewlturst and Son, Skipton, cotton-spinners ; first and *final div. of Is. 231. on the separate es- tate off. Desvhurst, and first and final div. of 22. 8d. on the separate estate of J. S. Dewburst, on any Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds—Mitchell and Binns. Barns- ley, iron-founders ; first and final div. of 208. on the separate estate of W. Mitchell, any Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds —Bateson, Rochdale, cotton-spinner ; first div. of 12s. 6d. on any Thursday; Lee, Manchester—Whitehead and Cottam, Black- barn, machine-makers; first div. of 8z. on any Thursday; Lee, Manchester—Hurley, West Bromwich, draper; second div. of Ifd. any Thursday before Jan. 31; Whit- more. Birmingham—Artley, North Burton, miller; first div. of 85. any 'Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull—Beerbohm and Slaughter, Fenchurch Street, merchants ; third div. of Ad. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street— Martin, Gravesend, ironmonger; first div. of Is. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Thompkina, Sydney Place, Fulham Road, bill-broker; first div. of 78. 45. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Powell, King's Place, Commercial Road East, tobacco-manufac- turer; first div. of 44d. any Wednesday; Whitmore. Basinghall Street—Franekeiss, portico, woollen-draper; first div. oils. 105. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basing hl Street—Watson, Salishury Court, Fleet Street, victualler ; first div. of 'lid. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Burn, Sackville Street, tailor; first div. of 38. 8d. any Wednesday ; Wnitmore, Basinghall Street—Knightley, Paul Street, Finsbury. carpenter: first div. of 3 3-165. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Ba_sing,hall Street—Whitmore, Hackney, draper; first div. of 4s. 95. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Hills, Downham, Cambridgeshire, grocer; first div. of 38. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street—Wegg, Greenwich, victualler ; second div. of Is. 215. on Thursday next, and three subse- quent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street—Wilson, Sidney Place, Stockwell, mas- ter-mariner; first div. of Gs. 9d. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham. Coleman Street—Brownlie, Richmond Street, St. James's, cabinet-maker ; second div. of 1.M. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street—Noises. Upminster, builder; first div. of Is. 105. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street—Broughton, Southamp- ton Street, Covent Garden, tailor ; sixth div. of id. on 'Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coletnan Street—Northover, Skinner Street, Bish- optigate Street, lint-manufacturer ; second div. of 38. Id. on Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.—Cable, Glasgow, shipmaster, Dec. 19, Jan. 9—Black, Newburgh, Aberdeen, merchant, Dec. 22, Jan. 21.
_Friday, December 19.
Parersessnths DissoLven.—Barlcov and Pow ea, Manchester, millwrights—Dodds and Bailton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, coffee-roasters—Harrison and Gill, Sheffield, joiners—W. A. and T. Bishop, Norwich, carpenters—Johnson and Co. Manchester, grocers ; as far as regards E. Johnson—Ludlow and Rogers, Cornhill, East India agents—Smith and Reed, Liverpool, cotten-broker s—J. and W. Mat Alpin, Leicester, clothiers—Pitt and Harding, Birmingham, dealers in coal—Banks and Co. Chorley, iron-founders—Lincolne and Roberts, Manchester, printers—Giro and Co. Manches- ter, and Giovanni di Demetrio and Co. Cairo, merchants—Taung and Meikle, Man- chester, joiners—Higgins and Moreeroft, Liverpool, iron-brokers—It and J. B. Carr, Ashton-under-Lyne, brewers—Pinder and Hull, Exeter, brewers—T. and E. Gilks, Fenchurch Buildings, engravers on wood—M. and S. Sherley, Egham, schoolmis- tresses—Capelain and Callen, Parliament Street, pent-agents—L. add J. Bell, Shef- field, fruit-knife-manufacturers—Laws and Reed, Brooksby Street, Islington, coal- dealers— Helmore and Carter, Exeter, linen-drapers—Gould and Cooper, Manchester, cetton-spinners—Widow and Son, Layton, smiths—Mills and Sons., Birmingham, silversunths—Durn and Co. Maesteg, Glamorganshire, drapers—Booth and Coffey, Manchester, fent-merchants—The Ainslie Brick and Tile Machine Company, Palace New Road, Lambeth; as far as regards .1. W. Sutherland. BANICREPTS.—EDMEND CURTISS, Blackfriars Road, cheesemonger, to surrender Dec. 30. Jan. 29: solisitor, Morgan, Old Jewry; official asggnee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—Jams IICTIT, Gerrard Street, draper, Dec. 31, Feb. 2: solicitors, Laurance and Co. Old Jewry thambers ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Enwams Wrote Cams, Totness, builder, Jan. 2, 27; solicitor, Stogdon, Exeter; official as- signee. Hernarnan, Exeter—Jona ILADFIELD, Manchester, cotton-spinner, Dec. 30, Jan 22: solicitors, Worthington and Shipman, Manchester ; official assignee, Mac- kenzie, Mancheeter—JAXES DUGGAN, 3Iaryport, Cumberland, draper, Dec. II, Feb. 5: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; Griffith and Crighton. Newcastle-upon- Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne— Pirrea LAWTON, Liverpool, chemist, Jan. 5,20: solicitors, Christian and Jones, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool—JOHN THOMPSON and WILLIAM LEITH, Liverpool, timber-mer- chants, Dec. 31, Jan. 29: solicitors, Robinson and Duke, Liven-pool; official assig- nee, Bird, Liverpool—Gsonez PRTDE (nut PRIDE, as before advertised) and Co. Liverpool, sail-makers, Dec. 24, Jan. 19: solicitors, Davenport and Calker, Liver- pool; official assignee, Morgan. Liverpool.
Skrumscos.—Jan. 9, Brown, Brunswick Street, Stamford Street. engineer—Jan. 9, Stoptord, Austinfriars, merchant—Jan. 9, Michael, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, nice- chant—Jan. 15. Lan s, Waltham Abbey, linen-draper—Jan. 10, E. furl H. Martyr), Aldgate High Street, woollen-drapers—Jan. 12, Paul, Oxford Street, milliner—Jan. 12, Beal, Shoe Lana, bookseller—Jan. 12, Luckins, Kennington Row, coach-maker- Jan. 12, Wallis jun. and S. Wallis, Leeds, linen-drapers—Jan. 12, Strange jun. Paternoster Row, bookseller—Jan. 12, Valentine, Northampton, tea-dealer—Jan. 12, Cook, Assembly Row, Mile End Road, builder—Jan. 12. Allan, Coleman Street, merchant—Jan. 13, Ball, St. Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, merchant — Jan.
13, Turret!, Fleet Street, publisher—Jan 20, I. and J. S. Dewhurst, Skipton, cotton-spinners--Jan. 20, Woodcock, Leeds, calenderer—Jan. 16, Patticon, South Shields, ironmonger—Jan. 20, W. W. and M. Spence, Nen-castle-upon-Tyne, wool- len-drapers—Jan. 23, Stevenson, Bishop Wearmouth, merchant—Jan. 23, Hutchin- son. Sunderland., tea-dealer—Jan. 16, Isaacs, Bristol, furrier—Jan. 13, Tibbits, Slmckburgh, Warwickshire, dealer in mineral-ores—Jan. 12, Phillips, Longton, Staffordshire, grocer—Jan. 9, Beswick, Norwich, wine-merchant.
Calmereasros.— 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—Jan. 15, Cberrill, Ramsgate, cabinet-maker—Jan. 13, J. B. L. Buckland, (commotsly called Louis Buckland,) Threadneedle Street, insurance-agent—Jan. 15, Ritherdon, Mill Wall, Poplar, ship-builder—Jan. 10, Wallisjunior and Wallis. Leeds. linen-drapers—Jan. 10, Powell, Jeffrey's Street, Camden Town, builder—Jan. 10, Herring, Trinity Street, Southwark, chemist—Jan. 10, Baynbam, Hounslow, grocer —Jan. 9, Slate, Hatton Garden, bookbinder—Jan. 9, Geary, Colchester, cheese- monger—Jan. 9, Isaacs, Swan Street, Minories, jeweller—Jan. 14, Isaacs, Bristol, farrier—Jan. 27, Hadley, Cardiff, corn-merchant—Jan. 15, Toy, Wolverhampton, iankeeper—Jan. 15, Hall. Tipton, miller—Jan. 20, Till, Worcester, grocer—Jan. 17, Waldron, Birmingham, grocer- DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.—Bertram and Parkinson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants; div. of Is. 9/5, on new proofs (being in part of the first div. of 4s.45. under the separate estate of W. Parkinson), Dec. 20, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakiey, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Teme and Peate, Oswestry, drapers ; first div. of 33.105. any Thursday before the 81st of January next ; Whitmore, Birmingham— Welsh, St. James's Street, Piccadilly, printseller; second die. of 41d. Dec. 23, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Sully and Son, St. Mary Axe, merchants; fourth div. of 5/d. Dec. 23, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers—Cutbush, Kennington, Ashford, nurseryman; first div. of 3s. 40. Dec. 23, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Cnambers—Whitehead, Lan- caster, cabinet-maker; first div. 3s. Bid. Dec. 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Putt, Manchester—France, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocer; first and second div. of 4s, and second of ls. Dec. 23, or any subeequent Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds—Ilindes amiDerham, Leeds, w■ssted-spinners ; second and final div. of 17s. 6d. on the sepa- rate estate of R. Derham, and a first and final div. of 20s. on the separate estates of J. Derharn and W. A. Blades, Dec. 28, or any subsequent Monday or Tuesday ; Rope, Leeds. Scorers SEQIIEMFRATIONS.—A. and H. Schultz, Leith, sugar-refiners, Dec. 24, Jan. 14—Scott, Milnathort, wright, Dec. 28, Jan. 13—Barclay, Glasgow, iron-merchant, Dec. 23, Jan. 13—Fulton and Sliman, Glasgow, ham-curers, Dec. 25, Jan. 16.