The advices from Australia continue, in a political point of
view, to wear an unfavourable aspect. The Anti-Convict League con- tinues to gather strength and perfect its organization. The irrita- tion of the colonists is obviously on the increase. A monster meeting at Sydney agreed to petition the Queen to remove Earl
Grey from her councils. The petitioners avow that they do not expect the petition will be presented, and that, regarding it merely as a protest, they do not care. The eonduct of the Governors does not appear calculated to usooth asperities. Governor Fitzroy (of New- South Wales) had caused a hundredweight of gold to be seised in the possession of a bonâ fide purchaser, on the plea that the royalty on it had not been paid by the seller. Governor Young (of South Australia) had authorized his Attorney-General to insti- tute a prosecution against a gentleman who had called the return- ing-officer at one of the elections "a sneak."