The German Emperor is hard to beat. After a continuous
sitting of eighteen hours, during which one Member, Herr Antrick, spoke for nearly eight hours, the combined majority of Agrarians, National Liberals, and membprs of the Centre on Sunday morning passed the third reading of the Tariff Bill by a majority of 202 to 100. The adoption of Closure en bloc, and of the rule enabling the Speaker to limit debate on
any point of order, has, in fact, paralysed the Opposition, and left the majority practically absolute. The measure passed is not precisely the one drawn up by Government, the Agrarians having extorted a considerable increase in the duties on grain, but the Emperor rightly regards its passing as a considerable victory gained by the Executive over Par- liamentary resistance. He has accordingly offered Count von Billow the title of Prince, and on his refusal to accept it has bestowed on him the highest decoration in the Royal Order of the House of Hohenzollern. The new practice undoubtedly places a strong weapon in the hands of the Government, which is not chosen, be it remembered, by the Reichstag, and we greatly doubt if the voters at the election in June next will enter any protest. They are tired of so much talking, and regard the action of the Social Democrats in forcing endless divisions only to secure delay as a wearisome kind of clown- ing. So will our own electors if the right of debate is often pushed as far as it has been over the Education Bill.