A Treaty Of Some Importance Has Been Concluded Between Great
Britain and the Emperor Menelek, " King of Kings of Ethiopia." After arranging for a definite delimitation of frontiers, which we could not make intelligible without a map, but......
The German Emperor Is Hard To Beat. After A Continuous
sitting of eighteen hours, during which one Member, Herr Antrick, spoke for nearly eight hours, the combined majority of Agrarians, National Liberals, and membprs of the Centre......
Professor Mommsen, Whose Opinion Has Great Weight In...
issued a remarkable manifesto. He says that "the overthrow of the Imperial Constitution is rapidly progressing." The Reichstag and the Emperor alike are being subjected to the......
There Were Conversations On Venezuela On Monday In Both...
of Parliament. The principal speaker in the Lords, of course, was Lord Lansdowne, who in answer to Lord Spencer explained that we had serious grievances against the Venezuelans......
The News From Morocco Requires Some Notice. It Is Neither
detailed nor consistent, but it would certainly appear that there is at least a chance of a revolution there. A pretender belonging to the reigning Shereefian house has advanced......
A Further And Very Important Though Short Discussion...
the House' of Commons on Wednesday about Venezuela: Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman had asked for more information, and in reply to him and other questioners Mr. Balfour virtually......
The Education Bill Was Read A Third Time In The
House of Lords on Monday, after Lord Spencer had uttered a. final protest against the principle of the measure, while giving his assurance that he would endeavour to do his best......
Lord Cranborne, Who Replied To Mr. Schwann, Made It The
point of his statement that we were performing a public duty in helping to police the world, and gave various instances of distinct outrages committed on British subjects. Mr.......