The Adventures Of Captain John Smith (longmans And Co., 5s.)
is an old story excellently retold by M. E. P. Roberts. Born of a fighting family, John Smith went early to the wars; and few men, even in his age of enterprise, saw more of the......
Formal Gardens In England And Scotland, Part Iii. By H.
Inigo Triggs. (B. T. Batsford. 21s.)—This is the last part of Mr. Inigo Triggs's interesting collection of formal gardens. Not only are we given Mr. Latham's beautiful......
Oxford As It Is, By Louis Dyer, M.a. (macmillan And
Co. 6s. net), is a guide to rules of Collegiate residence and University requirements for degrees, intended primarily for the use 01 students from the United States and British......
C Urrent Literat U Re.
GIFT-BOOKS. We have not encountered a better collection of fairy-stories for many a year than the Zuni Folk-Tales, recorded and translated by F. H. Cushing (G. P. Putnam's Sons,......
We Have Received Mentioned In Despatches (army And Navy...
Office, ls. net). This is a complete list (following ar earlier edition which was duly noticed in the Spectator), and con. tains all the mentions, promotions, and honours of......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not Leen reserved for review in other forms.] The Marquis of Salisbury. By F. D. How. (Isbister and Co. 6s.) — This......
Nsw Editions And Reprints.—first In Order Of Dignity...
a very handsome edition de lure of Mr. J. H. Short- house's John Inglesaut (Macmillan and Co., 25s. net). It is in three volumes, the first having for frontispiece a fine......
The Mother's Book Of Song. Compiled By J. H. Burn.
(Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 3s. net.)—This is a collection of between seventy and eighty poems about children. Some of them will be well known to most readers; some will be......
The Post Office London Directory (kelly's Directories,...
any further mention than a record of its appear- ance. (It is now well over its century, being in its one hundred and fourth year.) That it grows better as well as bigger with......