write this letter in all humility considering m31,in. experience in
political affairs. The following suggestion may seem far-fetched at the moment, but I hope it may be given mature consideration.
I feel that the Round Table Conference will render great
service if it arrives at a settlement with British statesmen regarding the broad principles of an Indian Constitution. If, however, it settles down to lay out details of a Constant ion, it nay he stretching beyond the limits of what it can achieve of permanent value.
It is becoming clear that Parliament would carry through any proposals agreed to unanimously at the Conference. It is not so certain that India as a whole will accept a Consti- tution ready made from London. I am, for instance, a Con- gressite not belonging to the extreme wing, and thOugh I would accept " the substance of Independence " which may come to " Dominion Status with definite safeguards," I cannot see how I can accept a ready made Constitution, in the formation of which Pandit Mafia! Nehru, Pandit Mandan Mohan Malaviya, Mahatma Gandhi, Vithalbhai Patel, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, Jawaharlal Nehru and many Mohammedan leaders who are in gaol (I do not quote names because from many prominent figures I may not be able to choose two or three best suited for the framing of a Constitution) have notassisted. I have given a personal example, for I feel that many young men would be in the same predicament as myself. There would, of course, be many others who would not look at any- thing the Round Table Conference may achieVe, and it is difficult to estimate their strength. I have always recognized the ability and erudition of some
Liberal leaders. But you would agree with me that there is no Liberal party in India, and the leaders have no definite follow- ing. At present when there is a strong Independence move- ment in the country (and from all Indian accounts it appears that its strength is growing and not diMinishing), it is difficult to see how India can pocket her pride and accept anything which may appear as thrust from above. Unless a com- promise can be arrived at with the Congress party no per- manent and lasting solution from the present impasse will be found. .
It is true that broad principles cannot be settled by the Conference unanimously until detailed discussion of out- standing problems has taken place. But after these questions are threshed out and broad principles of policy laid down, and before settling the actual details of the Constitution, a generous offer should be made of letting India decide her own Consti- tution. Provided the broad principles concede " the substance of Independence " or " Dominion Status with definite safe- guards " such an offer of equality and friendship cannot fail to evoke response._
Perhaps in the above method of Constitution-making a few
adjustments in the principles would have to be made to meet the view of Congress people. But they are by no means un- reasonable people. Perhaps at such Constitution-making a Gandhi would prevail more than a Sapru. But India would have secured what she wants—namely, the right of self- determination.
My purpose in writing,this letter is to give, you an epitome,
if I can, of the youthful and reasoning India. If by this effort I may make you appreciate the feelings of young_India a shade better, I shall consider myself amply rewarded.—I am, Sir, &c.,
46, Lancaster Gate, W. 2. ATMAS. S. Kaama....n.