20 DECEMBER 1930, page 21

Humane Slaughter Of Animals For Food

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Consideration of the Bill before Parliament last week prompts us to relate our experience in regard to the slaughter of pigs by means of......

Points From Letters

DismraiAmEicr AND THE U.S.A. . You say in your article on " The Collapse of Disarmament ": !"She [the U.S.A.) is on the side of all who are ready to take their courage in both......

A Hundred Years Ago

THE " SPECTATOR," DECEMBER 18th, 1830. SALAR1E$ AND SINECURES. Mr. Hume was happy to observe the increased attention of members to such matters. He had, months ago, proposed......

Ballade Of The Poetic Life

THE fat men go about the streets, The politicians play their game, The prudent bishops sound retreats And think the martyrs much to blame : Honour and Love are halt and lame And......

"butchery And The Law"

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIK—May I, in writing to congratulate and heartily thank you for your article in last week's Spectator, crave leave to supple- ment it after......