20 DECEMBER 1930, page 3

* * * * The Round Table Conference Steady Progress

continues at the Round Table Con- ference, although the efforts to compose Hindu-Moslem differences are still unavailing. The Prime Minister invited some thirty delegates to......

The New French Government

Last Saturday a new French Ministry was formed by M. Steeg, a Radical Senator and former Prime Minister, whose administrative work in Algeria and Morocco is well known. M.......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 3} Per Cent.

on May 1st, 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1(21; on Wednesday week, 108; a year ago, 991, Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 04 ; on Wednesday week, 95;......

A Committee Of The Whole Conference Met Twice On Tuesday

to discuss three Sub-Committee Reports. Lord Sankey's Federal Structure Sub-Committee has produced a most interesting interim Report on the lines which we mentioned a fortnight......

Iaberals And The Alternative Vote Speaking At Cleekheaton...

Sir John Simon repeated his objections to Mr. Lloyd George's tactical arrangement with the Government. Evidently he does not consider that the Alternative Vote, which the......

The Bolivar Centenary On Wednesday The World Honoured One Of

those few natural leaders of men who have earned the proud title of " Liberator." Simon Bolivar, born at Caracas in July, 1783, died on December 17th, 1830, at Colombia. His......

The Prince Of Wales And Marketing

On Tuesday the Prince of Wales addressed the Incor- porated Sales Managers' Society at the Guildhall. The speech, which was broadcast, urged industry to face the fact that Great......

The Humane Killer

It is satisfactory that Colonel Moore's Bill to make the use of the humane killer compulsory passed its second reading in the House of Commons on Friday, December 12th. The......