Some Books of the Week
THE two final volumes of The Lives of the Noble. Grecians and Romanis, by Plutarke, once known as North's Plutarch, but now as the Nonesuch Plutarch (five vols., limited edition, each 35s.), complete as fine a production as has appeared for sonic .time. Mr. Poulton's drawings of portrait busts framed in elaborate designs are original and successful.. The final volume has an added interest as containing the extra material from the edition of 1903, including a "Life" of Plutarch himself and the lives of "Nine Excellent Cheiftaines of War, translated out of Latine from Aemylius Probus." The note at the end of Volume IV, " Made and printed in France," coupled with that in Volume V, " Printed and made in England," and also with the fact that the illustrations were printed by the Curwen Press, and, we believe, the title pages by a fourth printer, indicate a miracle in attaining to " So perfect a model of sweet congruity."