Author and artist alike seem to have enjoyed the making
of Roads and Vagabonds (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 25s.). In this happy and inconsequent book Mr. Kenneth Hare recalls the horsed omnibuses of his youth and so is led back to scenes in city streets and country roads two or three centuries ago. He describes a country squire coming to town in his lumbering family coach and six with two ploughhorses as leaders—at four miles an hour. He tells the stories of footpads and highwaymen—like Nevison who did the famous ride to York that is erroneously credited to Dick 'Purpin. Finally, he deals with the notorious Hawkhurst gang of smugglers and bandits and their defeat at the hands of the Goudhurst folk—a true story in the guise of fiction though it may seem incredible. Mr. Cecil Aldin's numerous illustrations are delightful.