20 FEBRUARY 1909, Page 14


Sin,—The Danish Government has at last brought its plans of a definite defence system forward in the Rigadag on the 12th inat. In the introductory statement, a speech which is remarkable for its clear and statesmanlike views, M. Neergaard, the Premier, referred to the necessity of all small nations having to employ effective means towards protecting their neutrality in times of•war. Countries like Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland had got their house in order, and Denmark had to do likewise, lest—as had been plainly hinted—other Powers might regretfully be forced to do it for her. On the whole, the Cabinet follows the suggestion of the Danish military experts instead of those of its own followers, the majority of the Defence Commission, 1902-8, a change of front which is likely to lead to a party split, and to the formation of a strong Defence Party for supporting the new Governmental policy. The Premier himself admitted; that he saw the defence question in a totally different light since forming his Cabinet last autumn. Former political utterances had to give way to international demands on the responsible head of the Danish Government. Instead of, rib suggested, Copenhagen being turned into an open city on the land side, he proposes to erect a new line of land defences around the capital, these to take the place, when completed, of the existing half-finished land forts. Some new and strong naval defences around the most vulnerable part of Denmark, Copenhagen, a strong ,fleet of torpedo-boats and mine-laying vessels to protect the Danish waters, a gathering of the forces ' on Zealand, instead of in places where their services might not he required, and various Army alterations all designed to secure improved efficiency, are the most important items in these proposals. The Government has staked Ito existence on the plans, and they will be submitted to the Danish electorate during the spring.—I am, Sir, &c., P.