Colonials And Natives.
[To THE EDITOU THY "SPUCTATOR."1 [To THE EDITOU THY "SPUCTATOR."1 BI11,—Iu criticising my novel " Leaven " (which he admits he has not read) your correspondent " Natalian"......
[To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The most unwise words I have hitherto read on this question are those which appear over the name of Mr. Barbour in the Spectator of......
The Irish Land Question.
[To TIM EDITOR or THE ''SPECTATOR."J SIR,—It has pleased Mr. Stephen Gwynn in your issue of February 6th to refute my opinion (Spectator, January 30th) that a truer reason for......
Abraham Lincoln.
[To THE EDITOR OP 'rue "SrmorA.Tolt."J SIR, --May I venture to make one comment on your admirable article in last week's Spectator on Abraham Lincoln? You say :— " Ile stood for......