Does Farming Pay?
[To TUB EDITOR OF THR " SPRCIATOR."] Sin,—When inexperienced people ask this amazing question I would reply : Of course farming pays, and of course farming does not pay. In one......
Church Unity.
[TO TRH EDITOR OF 'RR " SPICOTATOR.1 Sin,—The subject of Church unity has become one of such practical interest and importance on both sides of the Atlantic that I trust you......
The Irish Land Question.
[To TIM EDITOR or THE ''SPECTATOR."J SIR,—It has pleased Mr. Stephen Gwynn in your issue of February 6th to refute my opinion (Spectator, January 30th) that a truer reason for......
Publicity In The Divorce Court. [to Tim Icditor Or Till
"EPROTA'FOR1 SIR,—Will you allow one who has read the Spectator for nearly half-a-century to thank you for your well-timed protest in last week's issue against the publicity......
Taxation Of Travelling.
[To TRIM EDITOR Or TICE "SPEOTATOD•"l . am surprised that your correspondent " Traveller " in the Spectator of the 13th inst. is unaware of the fact that travel. ling is already......