20 FEBRUARY 1909, Page 26

Cursed Luck. By Sir J. George Scott. (W. Blackwood and

Sons. 3s. 6d.)—These sketches are descriptions of native life in

Burma, and each one is prefaced by a short account of the

particular side of Burmese life which is intended to be illustrated by the little story which follows. It is not Sir George Scott's

fault that the preface is in most cases as long as, or longer than, the story, as it is undoubted that a book of this kind wants a good deal of explaining to English readers. " Tho Sweetheart Sweep" M the most amusing of the stories, and "For Want of a Divorce" the most dratnatic. The collection will explain to its readers certain aspects of life in the East which it is difficult for the British man or woman who lives at home at ease quite to realise.