Dod's Parliamentary Companion. (Whittaker and Co. 3s. G. net.)—This little
volume appears seasonably in readiness for the meeting of Parliament. Part I. gives the Members of the Heide of Lords ; Part IL supplies us with a glossary of Parliamentary terms, etc. In Part HI. we have a statement of the results of the General Election of 1906 and of by-elections which have sines taken place. Then follow biographical particulars of the Members of the House of Commons, with some miscellaneous information. We see that, according to the latest returns, every Irish Member represents .0,725 voters, every Scottish 10,595, and every English 12,240.—We have also received Nisbet's Medical Directory (James Nisbet and Co., 7s. ed.) This contains an alphabetical list of all licensed practitioners, with qualifications, and a list of the qualified medical men in each locality.—The London Diocese Book for 1909. Edited by Prebendary Glen- dinning Nash. (S.P.C.K. Is. 6d. not.)—There are, it seems, about fifteen hundred and fifty incumbents and curates in the diocese, and some hundred and fifty men who are permitted fo officiate.