SIR.—It is not often that one questions any observation made by the level-headed and entertaining " Janus," but he said something in your issue of February 6th which troubled me. " A Russia fighting primarily for Communism would be disquieting. A Russia fighting for Russia is something that gives us a firm-based and deep-rooted sympathy with her."
Suppose in this statement one substitutes " Christianity " for " Communism," would " Janus " still consider that it was more desirable that Russia should fight for Russia? I am not suggesting that Communism and Christianity are by any means identical ; but I do suggest that to contend for any order of society, which one honestly beLeves to be for the good of mankind, is preferable to patriotism, however heroically it may be sustained. Patriotism at its best "is not enough ": at its worst, as we see it in many places today, it is " the last refuge of a scoundrel," the maximum of feeling plus the minimum of intelligence, " flatten madidum " (in Bacon's term). Any supra- national outlook, which will arrest the flight from reason and restore sane and charitab:e judgement among men, is surely to be desired