New Taxation
Sin,—The myth that the vast sums of money needed to finance our war effort come from taxation must be dispelled once and for all. The banks create the necessary credits and......
Diplomacy And Economics -
SIR,—I am happy to observe from Mr. Leo Kennedy's letter which appeared in The Spectator of February 13th that he does not dispute the proposition that there should be closer......
A Plan For , Education Slif--certain Passages In Mr....
published in The spectator of February 13th, prompt me to resume the recent corre- sPondence on the subject of education and its future in this country. Mr. Jacks' article, " A......
Sot„-±-in His "plan For Education" Mr. M. L. Jacks Says
that "a strong 'community-sense " grows best in a boarding-school ; that the public- school influence on secondary day-schools has been most clearly shown by the provision which......